100% New Zealand Made!

Manufactured entirely in NZ from locally sourced materials, our welding tables are built to last. Designed by welders, for welders, we know exactly how to make fabrication easier.

With local customer service, spare parts and extensive knowledge, look no further than our products page! Save time, rework and money with our extensive range of welding tables and supplies.

  • Quality

    Being made here in NZ, we have complete control over the quality of all materials and processes involved in the manufacturing of our products. We only use NZ grade steel and pay extreme detail throughout the entire design and build process

  • Flexibility

    As the manufacturer of our own products, we can essentially custom-make any product you like - providing its made of steel! If you have a particular design or product in mind, we can help!

  • Demographic

    With manufacturing capacity in both Hamilton and Christchurch, we have the ability to supply and deliver anywhere in NZ. Overseas freight options can also be reviewed upon request too.

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